Diabetes Basic Screening
Lab: MOHODiabetes Basic Health checkup consists of 11 tests and profiles which consist of fundamental tests for screening of the health status like Diabetes Screening, Total Cholesterol Level, Serum Creatinine Level, Thyroid Function Test, Serum Calcium, & Electrolyte profile.
This package is the ideal test for people aged 40 years and above.
Diabetes Basic Screening
Lab: MOHODescription
Diabetes is a silent disease and 1/3rd of the people suffering from it are unaware of it. Hence diabetes screening is essential to diagnose it at an early stage and prevent complications associated with it.
Parameters in detail:
Diabetes Screening |
- Hba1c |
- Glucose Random |
Thyroid screening |
- TSH - If Abnormal then |
- T3 & T4 |
- Triglycerides |
Total Cholesterol Level |
Serum Creatinine Level |
Gout Test - Uric Acid Level |
Serum Calcium Level |
Electrolytes |
- Sodium |
- Potassium |
- Chloride |
Urine Routine Microscopic |
Services Includes:
- Appointment booking
- Collection at the home facility
- Accurate and error-free report with hi-tech solutions
- FREE Online Medical record management
- FREE Report evaluation
- FREE 1 Month TDO Nepal Doctor consultation package worth Rs.100
- FREE Medicine Prescription (If Required)
Fasting for atleast 12-14 hours is needed for this test, only water is allowed during fasting.Non-veg & fried food 24 hrs before test and avoid alcoholic beverages 48 hours before the check-up
Type of sample to be collected
Blood and Urine
Tests & Profiles Included
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