10 Best exercises for the body
Exercising is one of the essentials for well-being of the body today. It helps to regulate the weight of the body and pulls down your stress levels. Here are 10 exercises highly beneficial for your body!
Lunges Method: Keep your feet about a foot apart. Take a long step forward with your left foot. Press the foot at this place strongly and then gradually bend your knees such that they form a 90-degree angle. Slowly push up using your front leg to the original position and repeat it on the other leg.
Daily Routine: 10 to 20 times, alternating between your legs.
Cow and cat Method: This is one of the best exercises to work on your back pain. Begin by getting down on your knees and hands. Arch your back so that you are forming a U shape (like the sway-back of a cow). Then, do the reverse. Now, you will be forming a hump (thus, the name 'cat').
Daily Routine: Two sets of 10 everyday.
The plank Method: This is an alternative to doing sit-ups. It will make the muscles, which assist your spine, stronger and you will get muscular abs. Lay down on your stomach. Make sure your elbows are on the floor in front of your body. Now, gradually rise up on your toes and straighten your body like the plank. Stay in this position for 15 seconds and then bring yourself to the original position.
Daily Routine: Two sets of 10 everyday.
Crosses Method: Stand up and reach out your arms to the sides. Slowly bend your hands back towards the wrists. At the same time, move your arms behind you as far as they are able to go. Stay in this position for 5 seconds. Bring your arms back in level with your torso. In this exercise, you are stretching the muscles of your forearms, shoulders, and wrists.
Daily Routine: 15 counts
Bent-over-rows Method: Hold on to a two to five pound weight in one hand. Let it stay near your thigh. Then place your other hand on the seat of a chair in front of you and lean forward. At this time your knees will be bent. Bend your elbow slowly and lift the weight up in the direction of your armpits. Then, lower it down slowly. This will make your mid-back, arm and shoulder muscles stronger. You will also prevent bone-density related medical conditions by doing this exercise regularly.
Daily Routine: Two sets of 10 counts each
Turkish get-up Method: Lie down on your side along with a dumbbell in one hand. Hold the dumbbell out at an arm's length. Slowly stand up. Make sure you keep the dumbbell over your head at the length of an arm. At this point, you will have only one arm and the legs to help you get up. Push the weight of the dumbbell up as you attempt to stand.
Daily Routine: 2 sets of 5 counts each
Swing squats Method: Hold a dumbbell by your feet with one arm outstretched. Come down to the squat position along with your buttocks pushed behind you. Your back should be straight and make sure your feet are fixed on the ground. Slowly stand up about half way up. Begin to swing your dumbbell up. Quickly reverse the position as you do this and drop down to the ground in complete squat position again. Stand again as you swing your dumbbell overhead.
Daily Routine: A set of 5 counts
Medicine ball slams Method: Bring home a medicine ball. Raise it over your head and then swing your arms down. Now, as you swing down, release the ball and let it slam to the ground hard.
Daily Routine: 20 counts
Burpees Method: Also known as Squat Thrust Jumps, it is one of the exercises which has the power to exercise the whole body within a few minutes. While in the standing position, begin to squat down. Put your hands on the ground and let your legs reach out behind you. You could do a push-up now as a warm-up step. Slowly, kick the legs back into the squat position. Now, stand and jump as you swing your arms over your head. Daily Routine: 5 to 10 counts
Deadlift to overhead press Method: The process of performing this exercise is very simple. Start by choosing a heavy object. Lift it over your head. You can choose any object- barbell, medicine ball, dumbbell or sand bag. The main points to remember is how you should position yourself while lifting the object: the act of lifting the object is called deadlift. Look forward and bend your knees. Make sure your buttocks are out and back straight. Stand and lift the weight over your head.
Daily Routine: 5 counts