Abdominal bloating is an ugly condition causing physical discomfort. It is caused by the gas that accumulates inside you and wrecks havoc with the way you look and feel! The good news here is that abdominal bloating is a condition that can easily be avoided. Here’s how:
- Avoid constipation: Bloating happens when you are too lazy to move from the couch and gorge on fried stuff all day. Too little water adds to the woes. So get your bum off the couch and get some physical activity. Go easy on the junk and include fresh fruits and vegetable in your plate. And drink a lot of water, as there is no better medicine than the humble water!
- Do not eat fast: That is what mummy advised, right? She had a reason for saying so. Eating fast and not chewing properly makes you swallow small amounts of air along with your food. This bloats you up and makes you feel full quickly. The flipside here is you feel hungry soon after. And if you eat quickly again, it is all the more gas going into your tummy!
- Food intolerance and allergies: The general concept of food allergies and intolerance is that if you consume a food that is not suitable for you, your body will develop some allergic reaction and you will fall ill. Gases and bloating of your tummy is also your body’s way of telling you why you should quit eating a particular food. Pay attention when you bloat up the next time and reflect on what you have eaten in the past twenty four hours.
- Cut the fizz: Carbonated drinks contain fizz, which is nothing but gas. Too much of these can make you bloated. Instead opt for lemon juice or peppermint tea that will reduce the bloating and make you feel better.
- Quit the chewing gum: Too much of chewing gum is the same like eating too fast. There is a small amount of air that goes inside each time. Instead suck on some hard candy or opt for a healthier version like fruits or pop-corn.
- Read the labels: Too much artificial sweeteners, high sodium foods are responsible for bloating. Check the labels on food products and carefully go through the contents. Avoid foods with artificial sweetening agents and salted and fried foods.
- Stress tummy: Too much stress releases a hormone called cortisol. This hormone is responsible for making you look bloated not just around the tummy but also around the face and feet. So try some stress reducing techniques like exercising or meditating to ward off the bloating!
Bloating is something that all of us have faced at more times than one. Exercises and eating right are two simple measures which help in controlling the bloating.