The functions of uterus are as follows. Implantation of a fertilized ovum takes place in the uterus. Following implantation, the uterus nourishes and protects the developing foetus during pregnancy. It has the capacity to expand and contain a full grown baby. It sheds off the lining up to 500 times during your life time at the time of your monthly period. The endometrium thickens every month as the uterus prepares for the possible implantation of the fertilized egg. If implantation does not take place then endometrium deteriorates and gets discharged through the cervix and the vagina during menstruation.
There are various pathological conditions which include, Prolapse of the uterus, fibroids, adenomyosis, uterine malformations, asherman’s syndrome, carcinoma of uterus, carcinoma of cervix.
Interesting Facts:
A woman releases 400 mature eggs during her lifetime. After going through puberty at the age of 13 years, a woman release one egg per month for about 33 years until the menopause.