Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

COPD or Chronic obstructive bronchitis is an inflammatory condition in the lungs that causes swelling of the respiratory passages and irritation, which increases the mucus production and may damage the lungs. Coughing and breathlessness are the main symptoms of COPD.

Causes of COPD:

  1. Smoking is the most important.
  2. Air pollution.
  3. Allergy.

Management of COPD includes: 

  1. The first thing is to quit smoking with the help of your doctor using different techniques.
  2. Avoid irritations in your surroundings, such as smoke.
  3. Make sure infections in the respiratory channels are treated immediately.
  4. Avoid passive smoking.
  5. Avoid sudden temperature changes or cold, moist weather.
  6. Avoid going into polluted areas.
  7. Performing different tests like, x-ray examinations, lung function tests, ECG, and blood samples may be necessary to aid in making exact diagnosis and assess the severity of the condition.
  8. Use medical treatments.

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