Hold allergy’s reins this rains

Hold allergy’s reins this rains

Hold allergy's reins this rains

The rainy weather is particularly infamous for the spate of pathogens and allergies it brings along each year, but then every season has it’s own problems. Many people suffer from seasonal allergies but there are few things one can do to avoid some of the most common allergens.


  1. These include pollen from trees, grass and weeds, mold, animal dander, and dust.
  2. Allergies that occur in the spring often arise from tree pollen.
  3. Allergies in the summer are often from grass and weed pollen.
  4. Allergies in the fall are often from ragweed.
  5. Mold allergies are usually worse during humid and rainy weather because mold is more common where water collects.

Mold Allergies:

  1. Mold is an insidious fungus that is present in places where there is moisture. Mold is usually invisible and odourless.
  2. The symptoms depend on the weather.
  3. Damp weather is bad, as the discomfort level of the patient increases.
  4. Duration of mold allergy depends on different factors like place and weather.
  5. Rain promotes the rapid growth of plants that will release more pollen into the air when the region dries out.
  6. Mold present in the air, aggravates the health condition of asthmatics and allergy sufferers.

Symptoms of Mold Allergies:

  1. Running nose and nasal congestion
  2. Rashes in various parts of body
  3. Wheezing
  4. Itchy and watery eyes
  5. Cough and post nasal drip
  6. Inflammation of the sinus

Treating Mold Allergies:

  1. Remove yourself from the environment in which they grow, such as the rain forest like areas with an abundance of trees that hold the moisture long after a rain shower are the worst places to live.
  2. Avoid rainy, cloudy places that see little sun on any given day.
  3. Avoid staying in houses that leak or do not provide good insulation from the elements.

All said and done, rains are actually wonderful for reducing dust and pollens in the air. It is invigorating as it helps so many things to grow and makes the environment fresh to such an extent that many airborne allergens are neutralized.

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