Night blindness

Night blindness

Night blindness

Night blindness, medically known as Nyctalopia, is the inability to see in dim light. It can be diagnosed very early in childhood when a child can’t see in late evenings. Night blindness results due to impairment of dark adaptation.

Sufficient quantities of vitamin A are needed for proper functioning of retina and to see properly during night time. Marked deficiency of vitamin A may lead to night blindness, and subsequently suitable amounts of vitamin A can help correct it too.

Types of Night Blindness:

  1. Congenital Stationary Night Blindness: Blindness since birth. Can be due to inherited illnesses.
  2. Progressive Night Blindness: This can be caused by vitamin A deficiency, other diseases, or toxic effects of some drugs like quinine.
  3. Night Blindness as Complication of Obesity Surgery: This surgery can lead to impaired vision, as absorption of vitamin A may be lacking if patients fail to use nutritional supplements following surgery.

What all can cause night blindness:

  1. Deficiency of vitamin A
  2. Cataract
  3. Some forms of retinal degeneration
  4. Recurrent exposure from low levels of light to high levels of light
  5. Some medications
  6. Birth defects
  7. Hereditary
  8. Diseases that hamper ability to absorb vitamin A like liver disorders, surgery on the pancreas or liver, Intestinal conditions

What are the signs and Symptoms?

  1. Impaired vision in low light or darkness.
  2. Difficulty driving in dim light or at night
  3. Dry eyes, blurred vision are the associated symptoms

How to treat night blindness?

Depends on cause

  1. Taking vitamin A supplements
  2. Removal of the cataracts.
  3. Eating a diet with adequate amounts of Vitamin A may help prevent night blindness.

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