Most people suffering from diabetes do not always suffer from depression. But recent studies show that the link between diabetes and depression is steadily on the rise. People with diabetes have twice the risk of developing diabetes than people without diabetes.
Depression more often than not, goes undiagnosed and hence untreated. Alertness of the part of family and physicians is very crucial in helping diabetics cope with their condition and keep depression at bay.
Diabetes is a life changing disease. Managing it can be extremely stressful. The mental stigma associated with it can be difficult to cope with, leading to depression. Pre-existing depression, due to any cause, acts as a trigger for Type II diabetes. Depression brings along with it unhealthy lifestyle, eating disorders, physical inactivity, all of which are high risk factors for diabetes.
Coping with diabetes and depression
The first thing that diabetics need to do is to be on the lookout for warning signs of depression.
Decreased concentration levels, no desire to do the daily activities, loss of pleasure, change in sleep patterns, change in appetite, unexplained physical symptoms like headache, morning sadness, and suicidal thoughts are all warning signs that you may be heading towards depression.
Researchers have found that behavioral therapy included in diabetes management helps a lot in warding off depression. People who had behavioral therapy showed improved levels of fitness, better metabolism and also a decreased risk of developing cardiovascular complications.
Psychotherapy especially Cognitive Behavioral Therapy helps in improving depression, which in turn results in managing diabetes better.
Family and friends play a pivotal role in helping diabetes people cope with their disease. As said earlier, diabetes is a life changing disease. It requires a lot of changes in your daily routine. The stress of daily diabetes management can build. You may feel alone or set apart from your friends and family because of all this extra work.
Just like denial, depression can get you into a vicious cycle. It can block good diabetes self-care. Hence it is very important to spot the signs of depression and get help instantly.