

Microcephaly is a neurological disorder characterized by small circumference of head as compared normal infants at that age.

Causes and risk factors

Microcephaly can be either inherited or it can be acquired a few years later after birth. The normal circumference of the skull is determined by the growth of the brain during fetal life. In microcephaly the growth of the brain is hampered, it fails to develop normally, as a result the head remains small and so is the circumference. Microcephaly is predisposed by certain causative factors. These are chromosomal defects (e.g.: Down’s syndrome), some maternal diseases during gestation (e.g.: diabetes, malnutrition, infection) substance abuse, excess intake of alcohol or exposure to toxic substances, also contribute to the causation. Microcephaly can also be acquired a few years after birth, certain factors can contribute to the causation, and these are any severe infection to the brain, inadequate oxygen supply or any brain injury.


Clinical presentation

A small size of the head is the characteristic feature of microcephaly. Most often microcephaly is associated with mental retardation. The development in child is delayed. There occur delayed milestones. The child cries in high pitched tone and poor feeding occurs. The child becomes hyperactive and increased movement of the extremities is seen. The physical features of the child can be distorted. The child has a receded forehead and wrinkled scalp. The child remains underweight. In certain cases the child can suffer from convulsions, neuromuscular complaints and even hyperactivity.



Diagnosis is done on the basis of the physical examination of the child. Although a prenatal ultrsonography will help in diagnosis, in most of the diagnosis cannot be done until birth. The doctor monitors the head circumference in suspected cases. A prenatal history and detail examination will help in confirming the diagnosis.



There is no exact cure for microcephaly. The treatment aims at minimizing the complaints and make the life at ease as much as possible. In children where the only complaint is small size of head, no treatment is needed. While in others the treatment plan consist of speech therapy, physical therapy, along with occupational therapy will help to allay the dysfunctions. Medications can be administered in order to relief the complaints of convulsions or neuromuscular dysfunctioning.


Other modes of treatment:

Certain other modes of treatment can also be helpful in coping up the symptom. Taking into consideration the symptoms in holistic way, homoeopathy can offer a good aid for the relief of the symptoms. The Ayurvedic system of medicine which uses herbs and synthetic derivates can also be beneficial in combating the complaints.


Recent update:

Under the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), a group of researchers is conducting a study on a neuromuscular disorder name (3-PGDH). This causes microcephaly. They have found out that the amino replacement therapy will help to prevent the seizures.


Facts and Figures:

Microcephaly is a rare disorder with an incidence of 1 in 6200-8500 births.

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