Causes and risk factors
An allergy is an autoimmune reaction of the body. When an individual consumes or inhales or comes in contact with the specific substance the immune system considers it a harmful substance for the body as a result the body stimulates the cells to secret the immunoglobulin’s to nullify the effect of the substance. The next time as soon as one consumes even small quantity of that particular food to which the person is sensitive the immunoglobulin’s are stimulated and they release histamines for the defense, this process gives rise to the signs and symptoms. An individual can be sensitive to the dander, of the pollen that is harbored in the fur of the pet. The proteins contained in the saliva and urine of the pet can also cause immune reaction in the person who is sensitive to it, hence scratching and licking can induce such adverse reaction.
Clinical presentation:
The symptoms can be seen several days after contact with the pet. A person who is allergic to pollen or dander can present with complaints of red eruptions (Urticaria) and itching of the body. The person can also come up with symptoms of respiratory affection like running of nose, running of eyes, cough, and wheezes. It is one of the common causes for inducing an asthmatic attack in an individual. Headache is also a common complaint seen.
Usually the patient himself overtime can identify the allergy to. Diagnosis can be done on the basis of the symptoms narrated by the patients and the physical examination carried out by the doctor. The detail history taken from the patient will help the doctor to evaluate. Routine blood test and allergic tests (RAST) can be recommended by the consultant which will confirm the diagnosis.
As per doctors advised the contact with the pet should be avoided. For relieving the discomfort anti allergic medications are advised. Anti histamines and steroids have found to be effective. On should use a vaccum cleaner, dust mask while cleaning the house who have pets.
Other Modes of treatment:
Certain other modes of treatment can also be helpful in coping up the symptom. Taking into consideration the symptoms in holistic way, homoeopathy can offer a good aid for the relief of the symptoms. The Ayurvedic system of medicine which uses herbs and synthetic derivates can also be beneficial in combating the complaints