11 tips to cope with fibromyalgia
Are those nasty muscle aches making it difficult for you to work? Here are some tips to cope.
De-stress the Distress Stress is the prime cause responsible for worsening fibromyalgia pains. Curtail the stress to perk up your quality of life. Yoga, exercise, sleep, and meditation are some of the long-proven methods to de-stress. Deep breathing can help a lot if done regularly. Add your favorite activities to your daily routine. It can be dancing, singing, listening to music or playing soccer. Whatever it may be, do one or two of them, when stress strikes.
Put it on the paper If "fibro fog" is taking a toll on your memory, make sure to keep a pen and paper within reach always. Prepare a list of things “to-do” and even "to say. This will be useful to recollect all the important topics and things you wanted to discuss or do. Make a data sheet of shopping lists, friends' names, and phone numbers, addresses, email IDs in a notebook and carry always carry it with you.
Workout the pains A regular routine of low-impact exercises like slow-pace walking, jogging at one place and even warm-water exercises can prove to be the best treatments for fibromyalgia. They help reduce pain and stiffness, and improve mobility. They improve sleep and reduce stress thus helping you gain control over your fibromyalgia.
Warm water bath Taking bath with warm water or even soaking in hot tub helps relax tense muscles, lessens pains, and helps easy movement. You can even try sauna if getting in and out of tub is difficult. Moist heat and warmth is said to release good-mood hormones, block pain signals, and relax. That is why a warm bath is always refreshing after a hard day’s work.
Decaf to de-stress and diminish pain Coffee and other caffeine derivatives may compound stress. They can make you feel good for a while but increase nervousness, anxiety, and insomnia. If you wish to relax and get a refreshing sleep, avoid caffeine right from the early evening. Chocolates, some teas, and soft drinks contain caffeine too.
Take some time alone for yourself Take out some “me time” daily just for yourself as a treatment regimen. Utilize this time to cherish good thoughts, a hobby, or just rest - aim is to do anything which will make you feel good about yourself and your life. This will help to lead your life in a more balanced with without stress and re-energize you for the next day.
Improve the life at work Work schedule should not be painful for you. If you are left exhausted and in pain at the end of the day, try and change your work pattern. Incorporate things that would make your work life easy. Design a flexible plan that works for both you and your organization. Choose to work from home given the option or work part-time. Arrange your work desk appropriately for you needs. Arrange things like telephone headset, keyboard tray, etc. which would reduce stress on your body.
Communication is critical Fibromyalgia is stressful for you and your loved ones. Share your thoughts and pains. Try to take help of the people around to solve the issues. If you are not able to talk to those around or do not want to trouble them, take help of a counselor.
Learn to say NO Fibromyalgia is a "silent sickness" People can’t know that you are in pain unless you tell them. Learn to prioritize and pace yourself. Remember to not compromise rest, exercise, or relaxation for any ceremony, outings, or parties. Learn to say no and stick to it.
Sound and safe sleep sanctuary In order to get sound sleep and good rest create a pleasant atmosphere in the bedroom which would promote sound sleep. Keep your room clean, clutter-free, quiet, and cool. Spare your bed only for sleep. Do not scatter things all over it. Keep work outside the bedroom.
Keep a daily dairy Keep a record of trail of events, symptoms, and mood changes help you to be in charge of your disease. It will help to track the symptoms, their onset, triggers etc. This will help to avoid triggers and plan the coping strategies.