The spine is the vertebral column (the back bone) of the body. In bone classification, the bone is a pointed and narrow process. It consists of spinal cord, spinal discs, muscles, ligaments and nerves.


Spine works as multifunctional unit. The main functions are, to provide protection to spinal cord and associated nerves. Spine allows movements of the upper body. It provides support for our body frame in an upright position. It allows flexibility to us. It acts as a shock absorber for load bearing. It acts as a structural base for attachment of ribs.


As the spine is hard structure along with flexible nature so it has to face many complaints like spondylosis, sleep disc, degeneration of vertebrae, and simple backache because of wrong posture.

Interesting facts:

The back pain is considered the second most the common location of pain below headache which is considered as the first.

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