A better view- Tips to improve vision

A better view- Tips to improve vision

Tips to improve vision

There was a time when wearing glasses meant you are a nerd who spent all your time in the library and topped all the exams you ever gave in your life. Or else, you were a retired grandpa who wore glasses only while reading the newspaper. Today’s scenario is completely different.

The ability to see is the most important of all senses. Yet eyes are the most neglected part of our body, except perhaps when it comes to eye-makeup!

Every other person suffers from vision problem today. Wearing glasses is no longer about being nerdy or old anymore. Vision correction glasses and contact lenses have taken up the fashion market like never before. Corrective surgery for eyes too is not restricted to fashion models and sportsmen anymore.

The amount of time we spend using our laptops and computers takes a heavy toll on our eyes. Kids spend too much time playing games on the computer and watching too much television, which is harmful for their little eyes.

Simple eye exercises in everyday life helps a lot in improving the vision. It also helps in focusing better, better co-ordination, strengthening the eye muscles and better eye control

Here are few simple ones that you can practice at anytime:

  1. Blinking: This is a simple eye exercise. Blinking helps to spread the tears over your eyes normally, making them moist. This is extremely important for people who use their computers a lot as it prevent dryness in the eyes. Often, when you are working on your computer, you are so deeply engrossed in focusing that you forget to blink. Take a conscious decision and blink every few seconds. This will help immensely in reducing eyestrain.
  2. Palming: While you take a break from your computer, give your eye muscles a break too. Palming is a simple way to relieve the stress in your eye muscles. Start by sitting comfortably in your chair and taking deep breaths. Lean forward and place your elbows on the desk. Cup your palm in such a way that your fingers touch the forehead while the lower end of your palm is on the cheekbone. There should be enough space inside for the eye to blink freely. This simple exercise relieves the mind as well and gives you a break from the monotony. At the end of the couple of minutes, you find your thinking capacity rejuvenated.
  3. Figure of 8: Imagine a giant 8 about ten feet from you. Turn it mentally to one side and trace the outline with your eyes. Do this for a while then turn the 8 to the other side and repeat the process. This is a great way to improve the muscle strength and flexibility.
  4. Near and far Focusing: Choose two objects, one at a 10 feet distance and the other at a distance of 10 inches. Look at the closer one first, with the next breath you take, look at the far one. Keep alternating with each breath. This simple exercise that you can do almost anywhere, helps in improving your eye vision over time.
  5. Zooming: This exercise improves the focusing capacity and strengthens eye muscles. Sit comfortably and stretch out your hand with your thumb upright. Focus your eyes on your thumb and gradually bring the thumb closer to your body till it is 3 inches away from your face. Slowly take the thumb back to its original position. Do not shift focus from the thumb during the entire time.
  6. Rolling: This is another simple wonder. Roll your eyes first clockwise and then anti-clockwise. Do this slowly at first and then increase the speed. This improves the blood circulation to the eyes.

Techniques that were thought by experts to improve eye vision and eye muscles have been in use since the 1920s. With the help of modern science, we now understand better in what techniques are more suited.

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