Acne treatment- Common mistakes

In our quest for clean and fair skin, we often tend to follow each and every advice given, and forget to confirm whether it would suit our skin type or not! In the process, we end up ruining more than restoring. Here are the most common mistakes we commit, when it comes to acne:

  • Skipping the moisturizer

    Avoiding moisturizer will not help remove acne. If you do not apply any moisturizer, and use drying out agents like soap, the skin will produce more oil to compensate the dryness. You will end up with a fresh sprout of acne.

  • Washing the face regularly

    Though it may be a good idea to rid your face of the excess oil and grime, be careful of over-drying your face. The resultant dryness would lead to more oil production, and new lesions developing. Make sure you avoid using harsh soaps on your face. Go for gentle cleansers instead.

  • Scrubbing

    Scrubbing regularly helps to open the pores, and let out all the dirt and oil clogged inside. Do not rub on acne eruptions though, as this may break open the pimple, and let out the bacteria that will spread and create new eruptions. Also, scrubbing an acne prone skin too often will only activate the oil glands more, and lead to more oil production.

  • Avoid oily food

    This is an age old myth that everyone follows religiously. There has been no proven record of excess oil causing more sprouts of acne, the skin included. Instead, opt for green vegetables and fresh fruits, and nuts that are rich in antioxidants.

  • Hot water rinsing

    Well, hot water can damage the skin’s fine capillaries, and give your skin a blotchy raw appearance. It also sends your oil glands into overdrive! Tepid water is the best for cleaning an acne-prone face.

  • Pimple popping

    Popping the pimple will cause the bacteria to spread to other places on your face.

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