Algophobia: The fear of pain

Algophobia: The fear of pain

Algophobia: What is it?

All of us know what pain is. As we grow up, with varied experiences, we learn to avoid those things that cause us pain. In some people however, the very thought of pain is also painful. Such a phobia of pain is called Algophobia.

Algophobia is the fear of pain:  an abnormal and consistent feeling that is far beyond what would be considered normal.

The term is derived from the Greek words, Algos meaning pain and Phobos meaning fear.

Our bodies are designed in a way that when there is a painful stimulus it reacts. How the body reacts to the pain is an individualistic phenomenon. Some people have a very low threshold for pain, and even the slightest pain evokes a huge response in them. Where as others can withstand a good amount of physical pain before their bodies give in.

Some people dread even the tiniest amount of pain. They foresee situations that will cause pain in them. The way they react to even the smallest amount of pain is far more than the normal level of acceptance. Such people are said to be suffering from Algophobia.

Algophobia is a learned behaviour, say behavioral psychologists. For example you may have heard from several people how hitting your shin on the furniture in the dark is the worst possible pain ever. So you tend to keep a watch and if it is dark, you move around extra-carefully to avoid bumping into the furniture and getting hurt. This would be considered normal, cautious behaviour. But if the same thought keeps buzzing in your head continuously and you go to extreme lengths to avoid that pain, you could be algophobic.

Old people are the ones who have excessive fear. The age factor along with fear of death plays a vital role in old people developing this fear. For example an old lady may hear about all the ailments and pains that afflict old age people and may become apprehensive about it. She may develop irrational fears that more often than not, are also imaginary. She may start experiencing the pains even before anything actually happens to her. It may seem unrealistic to a normal person, but for algophobics pain can be a severely dreaded thing. Therefore they will go to great lengths to avoid pain at all levels, including day-to-day activities. They will not go into the dark, handle tools, avoid lifting heavy objects or even avoid playing any type of contact sports. If a task has a scope for injury and pain, they will avoid it!

Frequently a pathological complaint of Hyperalgesia occurs along with algophobia. Hyperalgesia is a condition of increased sensitivity to pain due to damage to the peripheral nerves and pain receptors.

Pain in such cases may be directly in the damaged tissues or in the surrounding areas.

An interesting fact is that hyperalgesia can occur due to long term use of painkillers especially strong ones like opium and its derivatives.

Algophobia is treated with behavioral therapy, psychotherapy and anti-anxiety medications. Hypnotherapy also has shown beneficial effects.

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