Banish bad breath with yoga!

Banish bad breath with yoga!

Yoga for bad breath

Bad breath, or Halitosis, can be caused due to a variety of reasons. It is a cause for extreme embarrassment and often leads to social isolation.

While most of us believe that bad breath is due to not brushing properly, this may not be entirely true. Bad breath can be the result of several things like not drinking enough water, indigestion, irregular food habits and type of food consumed. Recent research studies state that people with a dry mouth are more prone to develop bad breath in comparison to people with wet, moist mouths. Smokers and alcohol drinkers too have foul smelling breath.

Bad breath is a common occurrence and though it can be extremely embarrassing, there is nothing in it to be ashamed of. Proper oral care combined with simple yoga poses will help put your life back on track and your breath will smell of relief.

Oral hygiene is of utmost importance in treating bad breath, but the condition tends to recur. Hence, it is vital to try methods that will help you get rid of bad breath forever. Here we give you some tips on how to get rid of bad breath using yoga.

  1. The Kapal Bhati Pranayam: Sit comfortably with your legs folded at the knees and your back straight. Keep your palms on your knees, facing upwards. Take a deep breath in. As you breathe out, pull in your navel. As you relax your tummy, the air flows back into your lungs automatically. Repeat this several times.
  2. Sheetali Pranayam: Stick your tongue out. Roll the sides inwards and breathe in through the tongue. Hold the breath for a few seconds and breathe out through your nose. Repeat this activity 5 to 10 times.
  3. Sheetkari Pranayam: Open your mouth and clench your teeth. Press the tongue firmly against the teeth. Breathe in through the left nostril. Close your mouth and breathe out normally through your right nostril. Now, repeat the same process using the other nostril for inhaling and exhaling. Do this 5 to 10 times.
  4. Yoga Mudra: Sit on the floor with legs folded and back straight. Without bending the back, lean forwards and touch the floor with your forehead. Relax in this position for a few moments and then return back to normal. Repeat this 5 to 10 times.
  5. Simhasana: Kneel down on the floor with your legs crossed in such a way that your left foot is below your right buttock and vice versa. Stick your tongue out and lean forwards. Keep your facial muscles tense and gaze fixedly ahead at your nose tip or the central place between your eyebrows.

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