The cure of disease would then lie in restoration of the equilibrium of this molecular motion by replenishing a minimal dose of that same inorganic substance. So treating disease at this molecular or cellular level is termed as the science of “Biochemic Medicine.”
Biochemic medicines are also known as cell salts or tissue salts. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathic medicine, initially attempted provings (a method of assessing effects of administered dosages in individuals) of Lime and Salt, Potash and Silica that prepared the way for the rest of the Tissue Remedies. This paved the way for Dr. Schusslerof Oldenburg, Germany, to develop these tissues remedies further. Thus after a lot of proving, research and articles for many years, Dr. Schussler introduced biochemic medicines into homeopathy.
Inorganic Constituents are vital for the cure
According to his theory based upon physiologic-chemical processes that take place within the organism, both the structure and vitality of the organs of the body are dependent upon certain necessary quantities of its organic constituents. The inorganic constituents on the other hand are the material basis of the organs and tissues of the body and are absolutely essential to their integrity of structure and functional activity.
According to Dr. Schussler’s theory, any disturbance in the molecular motion of the cell salts in living tissues caused by deficiency may give rise to a diseased condition. This can be rectified and equilibrium can be reestablished by administering the same mineral salts in smaller quantities.
Two kinds of substances are needed in this process of tissuebuilding, both of which are found in the blood-namely, the organic and the inorganic constituents. Among the former, organic constituents are the sugar, fat, and albuminous substances of the blood serving as the physical basis of the tissues, while the water and salts – namely, potash, lime, silica, iron, magnesium and sodium – are the inorganic substances. The salts of soda predominate in the blood plasma, while those of potash are found especially in the blood corpuscle substances, while the albuminous substances contain, in addition, sulfur and nitrogen.
Biochemic Medicine – The ease of use and efficacy
The aim of biochemic medicine is to replenish or cover a deficiency directly. Besides the mildly sweet and bland taste of these small tablets or globules, the administration is also very easy. The tablets can be consumed directly with water or chewed. They are readily available at the homeopathic pharmacies across the counter as per the doctor’s prescription or they may be dispensed by the physician himself. These remedies have brilliant results and are used across the globe.
The principal inorganic materials of nervecells are Magnesia phos, Kali phos, Natrum and Ferrum Phos. Muscle cells contain the samewith the addition of Kali-mur. Connective tissue cells have a specific substance Silica, while that of the elastic tissuecells is Calcarea fluor. In bone cells we have Calcarea fluor and Magnesia phos and a large proportion of Calcarea phos. This latter is found in small quantities in the cells of muscle, nerve, brain, and connective tissues. Cartilage and mucous cells have for their specific inorganic material, Natrum mur, which is found also in all solid and fluid parts of the body.
Commonly these therapeutic salts are called as 12 Tissues remedies which are as follows:
- Calcarea Phos
- Magnesium Phos
- Natrum Phos
- Kali Phos
- Ferrum Phos
- Calcarea Fluor
- Natrum Mur
- Kali Mur
- Kali Sulph
- Calcarea Sulph
- Natrum Sulph
- Silicea