The maxillary sinus decreases the heaviness of the skull and helps the resonance of the sound. A small hole is present in the maxilla. It facilitates passage of the branch of nerve called maxillary nerve, responsible for the sensation to the upper lip. It provides sockets for the upper teeth.
Diseases/ Injury/ Fractures
Infection of the root of the upper teeth can spread to maxillary sinuses causing sinusitis. A blow on the face due to road traffic accident or a fight can fracture maxilla. This causes displacement of teeth, injury to the floor of eye socket, and loss of sensation in the upper lip due to damage to the nerve.
Interesting fact(s)
The maxillary tuberosity is a small bump felt just behind and above the third molar tooth (wisdom tooth), covered by tough gum tissue. It is a permanent landmark in the dental arch. The maxillary tuberosity remains even if all the upper teeth are extracted.