To prevent eye problems, start wearing sunglasses which have 100% UV protection. Try to stay indoors during late morning and afternoons. Wear a hat with your sunglasses which would shade your face as well.
1. Sore Eyes: This medical condition is also known as conjunctivitis. Its symptoms include red and itchy eyes accompanied by a coarse sensation. There could be discharge from your eyes which sticks on the lower and upper lashes. How does this happen? In the summer since the weather is dry and dusty, the wind has higher propensity towards carrying irritants. This leads to inflammation in the eyes. Sore eyes are contagious. Avoid getting in contact with a person suffering from it. This is generally treated using an antibiotic or anti-inflammatory eye drop or ointment. The doctor might also prescribe anti-viral medications. At home, you can apply warm-compresses to your eyes for about 10 minutes three times a day.
2. Sty: Sty is characterized by the growth of lumps on your upper or lower eyelid. These are generally red and pain a lot. Containing pus, these are caused when your sweat or oil glands get blocked and they stop the motion of oily secretions. This is not contagious and does not impact the vision of the patient. Sty should resolve on its own. You could use warm compresses frequently to relieve the symptoms. Do not squeeze the lumps as this could lead to scarring. Doctors may advise injection of steroids which could lead to speedy recovery. However, there could be harmful side-effects including thinning of the skin, pain, bruising, and scarring. In exceptional cases, there is also a loss of vision.
3. Surfer’s Eye: This refers to the abnormal development in the part of the eye which forms the lining of the eyelids and eye surface. This is caused due to damage from the sun and could also affect the eyesight. Those who are frequently exposed to the sun, like surfers, are the primary vulnerable group. This condition is diagnosed by investigating the front side of your eyes using a microscope called slit lamp. Generally, no specific treatment is required for this problem. If you experience excessive pain or irritation, you should approach a doctor who would instruct on the use of lubricating eyedrops like Refresh drops, the use of vasoconstrictor eye drops once in a while, and as a last resort, use of steroid eyedrops.
4. Eye Allergies: These can be reaction to the wind, pollen, air, and dust. The worst irritants in the summer are weeds (including sagebrush, ragweed, and pigweed) and grasses (like orchard, bermuda, and timothy). Those suffering from allergy, experience itchy eyes/nose accompanied by coughing, runny nose, dark circles around the eyes and watery eyes. The usual treatment for this includes use of decongestants, eye drops, nasal spray, and nasal irrigation.
5. Dry Eyes: A person suffering from dry eyes undergoes irritation, excessive tearing, dry feeling, and granular sensation in the eyes. This is caused due to the inability of the eyes to moisten themselves.
Summer has its fair share of ups and downs. You might enjoy the rain and bask in the early morning sun, but as the sunlight gets stronger, it brings forth a range of eye problems. Summer implies hot and dry weather and this happens to be a fertile ground for allergens and irritants like smoke, dust, or pollen.