Acne Excorie

Acne Excorie

Acne excorie is a condition where the patient consciously or unconsciously scratches or picks the pimple or acne lesions. This condition is more commonly seen in women.

Causes and risk factors

Acne excorie is caused due to psychogenic reasons. Anxiety or embarrassment is the main contributing factor. The person becomes habituated to pick or scratch the skin.


Clinical presentation:

The patient presents with complaints of acne; small reddish color eruption or papule formation is seen. These eruptions usually do not respond to any kind of treatment. The patient knowingly or unknowing keeps scratching or picking up the lesion. Scratching aggravates the complaint. It can lead to breakage or destruction of the lesion leading to ulcer formation. Scar formation can be seen. Hypo or hyperpigmentation can occur. The lesions are more commonly seen on face, trunk, extremities, and back, particularly the upper back. This can not only hamper the cosmetic appearance of the skin, but can also lead to irritation and depression. It can cause embarrassment too.



Diagnosis is done on the basis of the symptoms narrated by the patient and the physical examination carried out by the dermatologist. There is often a history of scratching or squeezing or picking of the lesion. Routine blood test, blood culture or testing of the discharge along with histological examination is often diagnostic.



Treating the primary acne is the main line of treatment. The dermatologist can recommend certain oral antibiotic medications. Application of topical antibiotics can also be advised. In severe cases, topical steroids along with systemic corticosteroids are suggested. Administration of an anti-inflammatory drug is another choice of medication. The patient is counseled for breaking the habit of scratching or picking of lesion. Certain psychotherapeutic drugs or psychological therapy can be started.



Scar formation is seen along with it; as the complaints resolve, hypopigmentation at the affected area is seen. Secondary infection can also occur.


When to contact a doctor:

Recommendation of an expert in the field of dermatology is advised in cases where the patient suffers from complaint of skin eruptions along with itching and ulcer formation. One should refer to a psychologist if one has the habit of scratching or picking the lesion.



As the exact cause is not known, it is difficult to elicit the preventive measures.

 System involved: Integumentary system.

Organ involved: Skin and tissues.


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