Causes and risk factors
As like any other mental disease, the exact cause of ADHD is still not known. Certain factor predisposes ADHD. The most important among them is genetic disorder, research is still going on in this field, and it is believed that some gene is responsible for development of it. Although it’s still unclear, certain food components also trigger ADHD. Maternal smoking, lead exposure and brain injury, premature baby and low birth weight are some of the other contributing factors.
Clinical presentation:
The symptoms more commonly occur during the age of 6-12 years. Although most of the time the symptoms appear in childhood, it can be seen during adulthood also. In cases if the symptoms appear during childhood, the complaints usually improve as the age increases. In order to stamp a person suffering from ADHD one must at least present with with any of the symptoms mentioned under the following categories: Inattentiveness- Lack of attention is the main feature seen. The child lacks ability to concentrate and makes careless mistakes in studying or during playing or during work. Hence carrying out the daily activity is bit difficult work for them. They often tend to forget the placement of important things required daily or they lose them. E.g.: toys, books, pencils etc. They are easily distracted and carrying out multiple activities simultaneously becomes a difficult job for them. Hyperactive– On the other hand they are very active and often fidget with things around. Sitting and resting is difficult for them. They often tend to get involved in activity which requires lot of energy. E.g.: running. Climbing stair, jumping etc. Impulsive-These react quickly to an action. Hence they can be very short tempered or they answer up something very quickly. They are very restless people.
Diagnosis can be made on the basis of the symptoms narrated by the patients and on the basis of complete psychiatric evaluation. Reviewing of the history is the most essential step. All the details are obtained from the family and friends. Close observation in such cases is essential. Investigations can be advised in cases where the doctor suspects any pathology. Certain diagnostic criteria has been put forth, these are as follows
- The child must show any of the symptoms mentioned above before the age of 12 years
- These symptoms must be severe in the affected child as compared to the one who is normal at that age.
- The duration of the complaints must be for at least 6 months
- The behavior must affect at least two areas of child life(school, home or relation)
There is no cure for ADHD; however, the intensity of complaints can be reduced.
Psychotherapy plays a major role in this. It is necessary for the child/ individual affected as well as to the parents. It comprises counseling and interpersonal therapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy, Psychoeducation, social skills training has found to be effective in such cases. Support and care by family and friends will help the patient to cope up with the complaints. Healthy balance diet with omega3 and omega 6 supplements have found to be effective.
Other modes of treatment:
The other modes of treatment can also be effective in treating depression. Homeopathy is a science which deals with individualization, considers a person in a holistic way. This science can be helpful in combating the symptoms.
Recent update:
As per the article published in medindia by University of Toronto says that Thirty percent of adults with Attention Deficit Disorder or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD) report they were physically abused before they turned 18.