Causes and risk factors
Bathing trunk nevus occurs due to a genetic mutation of the melanocytes, cells that are responsible for normal skin color. In some families, the condition is inherited.
Clinical presentation
Bathing trunk nevus has irregular borders and can be hairy. Circumscribed, light brown to black patch or plaque is seen. The nevi can be more than 40 cm in diameter. It is commonly present over the buttock area. Bathing trunk nevus has a high risk of converting into melanoma. Large nevi are prone to develop into cancer.
Medical history by the patient and clinical examination by the dermatologist helps in diagnosis. Bathing trunk nevus can be diagnosed based upon their appearance. Biopsy can be done in cases where the diagnosis is not clear.
Surgical removal is the standard treatment option. Skin grafting may be required in some cases.
Other Modes of treatment
The other modes of treatment can also be effective in treating bathing trunk nevus. Homoeopathy is a science which deals with individualization and considers a person in a holistic way. This science can be helpful in combating the symptoms. Similarly, the Ayurvedic system of medicine which uses herbal medicines and synthetic derivates are also found to be effective in treating bathing trunk nevus.