Bowen’s disease

Bowen’s disease

Bowen’s disease is defined as an early stage of squamous cell carcinoma where the cancer is limited only to the superficial layer of the skin [epidermis]. It is also called as squamous cell carcinoma in situ.

Causes and risk factors

The cause of Bowen’s disease is multifactorial and may include the following – human papillomavirus infection, chronic exposure to UV rays and sunlight, DNA error in the squamous cells, exposure to toxic substances like arsenic. It can arise due to weak immune system, chronic skin injury, etc.

Clinical presentation

A slow growing red, scaly, flat lesion with irregular borders can develop on the skin. Sometimes the patch can become crusty and ulcerated. The patches can affect any part of the body, but commonly appear on the lower leg. Occasionally, the patches can be sore, irritated, or bleed.


Medical history by the patient and clinical examination by the dermatologist helps in diagnosis. A skin biopsy is recommended.


Photodynamic therapy, cryotherapy, local chemotherapy, and curettage may help in treating Bowen’s disease. Surgical removal of lesion is recommended in some cases. Radiation therapy is another method to treat Bowen’s disease, but is less commonly used.

Other Modes of treatment

The other modes of treatment can also be effective in treating Bowen’s disease. Homoeopathy is a science which deals with individualization and considers a person in a holistic way. This science can be helpful in combating the symptoms. Similarly, the Ayurvedic system of medicine which uses herbal medicines and synthetic derivates are also found to be effective in treating Bowen’s disease.

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