Chlamydia Infection

Chlamydia Infection

Chlamydia infection is a common sexually transmitted disease caused by Chlamydia tracomatis bacteria particularly affecting the genitals and eyes. High incidences are seen in females as compared to males.

Causes and risk factors:

Chlamydia infection is caused by bacteria Chlamydia tracomatis. The infection spreads during sexual intercourse or during vaginal or oral sex. Transmission through flies and fingers are other causes of spread (Trachoma affecting the eyes).Chlamydia infection in pregnant women poses a high risk to transmit the infection to baby during delivery. People having unprotective sex or sexual indulgence with multiple partners are at high risk for developing the infection.

Clinical presentations:

In the early stages of the infection the patient remains asymptomatic, later 1-3 weeks after exposure to bacteria the symptoms occurs. Abnormal vaginal discharge in females or abnormal discharge from penis in males is the characteristic features. Painful sexual intercourse and testicular pain in males are the other symptoms noted. Apart from menstruation abnormal vaginal bleeding and prolonged bleeding after sex occurs. Painful micturation, urgency to pass urine is complained by the patient. Lower abdominal pain, fever, malaise are the other associated symptoms. Affection of the eyes by Chlamydia infection is termed as trachoma. The features seen are irritation of conjunctiva, discharges and dryness of the eyes.Invesrion of the eye lashes causes irritation of the cornea. Vascularization and opacity of the cornea occurs. Involvement of the bones and joint is also seen in some cases. Chlamydia infection affecting the bones and joints leads to arthritis. Sterility in men and women, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, ectopic pregnancy blindness are the major complications seen.

Diagnosis and investigations:

Diagnosis is done on the basis of symptoms narrated by the patient and the examination carried out by the doctor .In cases showing affection of the eyes examination by the ophthalmologist is must. Certain investigations which are recommended are complete blood count, urine analysis. The discharges from the vagina or penis are swabbed and send for culture examination.


Antibiotics are the main line of treatment in Chlamydia infection .Avoidance of sex during active infection is advised. Use of contraceptive measures during intercourse is an essential preventive measure to be adopted.

Other modes of treatment:

The other modes of treatment can also be effective in treating the infection. Homoeopathy is a science which deals with individualization and considers a person in a holistic way. This science can be helpful in combating the symptoms. The Ayurvedic system of medicine which uses herbs and synthetic derivates can also be beneficial in combating the complaints.

Recent update:

A research carried out by the American Society for Microbiology revealed that Chlamydia trachoma is not only infects the reproductive tract, but abides in the gastrointestinal tract. There it remains even after eradication from the genitals by the antibiotic.

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