Fibro Muscular Dysplasia

Fibro Muscular Dysplasia

Fibro muscular dysplasia (FMD) is defined as abnormal growth of the cells in the wall of the arteries resulting in narrowing or beaded appearance of the arteries. Incidence is more commonly seen in women as compare to males.

Causes and risk factors

The exact cause of fibro muscular dysplasia is not known. Research is still going on in this regards. Genetic factor is the major contributing factor. Various theories have been put forth; certain environmental factors, smoking and genetic factor play contribute to the causation. It is seen hereditary in certain families.


Clinical presentation

Although the veins and lymphatic system of the body can also be affected, the arteries are more commonly affected. The arteries anywhere in the body can be affected however the arteries supplying the kidney, brain and extremities are more commonly affected. Narrowing of artery occurs. It gives the artery a beaded appearance. It can also lead to complete blockage of the artery. The patients can come up with various complaints. The complaints depend upon the artery affected. Usually while undergoing some routine investigations the condition is diagnosed. In cases of involvement of the carotid artery the patient can come up with complaints of pain in head neck and around the eyes. In cases of intestinal artery involvement pain in abdomen is seen. High blood pressure can occur in cases of renal artery involvement. Fibro muscular dysplasia is classified depending upon the layer of the artery affected. The different types of FMD are medial fibroplasias, permedial fibroplasias and intimal fibroplasias. The other types include medial hyperplasia and periarterial hyperplasia. More commonly the middle layer of the artery is affected. In severe cases FMD can lead to aneurysm.



Diagnosis can be made on the basis of the symptoms narrated by the patient and the physical examination carried out by the doctor. Color Doppler and Vascular angiography is diagnostic test. Certain other investigations like Computed tomographic angiography and magnetic angiography are the other investigations which can be done. Certain other investigations like routine blood test, Lipid profile, blood sugar levels, renal and liver function test can be suggested can also be advised.



There is no specific cure and treatment for fibro muscular dysplasia. Symptomatic relief is the main line of treatment. Medications to control the blood pressure, or reduce the chances of stroke or pain relieving medications are advised. Surgical intervention can be done in severe cases for repair of the narrowing arteries. Angioplasty is recommended.


Other modes of treatment:

Certain other modes of treatment can also be helpful in coping up the symptom. Taking into consideration the symptoms in holistic way, homoeopathy can offer a good aid for the relief of the symptoms


Recent update:

As per the article by the “American Heart Association” fribromuscular dysplasia which can cause high blood pressure, stroke and kidney failure is more commonly seen in women; however it is a poorly understood condition.

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