Fibrocystic Breast

Fibrocystic Breast

Fibrocystic breast is defined as formation of lump in the breast tissue affecting one or both the breasts. These are usually benign tumors of the breasts and are the most common affection of the breast. High incidence is seen in women between the ages of 30-50 years.

Causes and risk factors:

Fibrocystic tumors of the breast are more common in women during menstrual age, the hormonal changes –estrogen and progesterone are the main contributing factors for the tumors of the breast. It is rarely seen in women after the age of menopause; however use of hormonal replacement therapy after menopause increase the chances of development of the tumor. Infection, injury and blocked milk ducts are other contributing factor that can lead to formation of lump in the breast.

Clinical presentations:

Either one or both the breast is affected .In fibrocystic breast the patient can either present with fibrosis or cyst. The lump can either be a hard to touch or rubbery kind or it can be soft movable mass which is filled with fluid. The size of the tumor can be either small or a large one which can be easily felt on plapation.In cases where the size of the tumor is small the patient may have no complaints .The female can come up with complaints of feeling of a lump in breast on palpation. Pain and tenderness can be felt. The size of the affected breast is large as compared to another if size of the cyst is large. On examination a palpable or movable mass can be felt.

Diagnosis and investigations:

Diagnosis is done on the basis of the symptoms narrated by the patient and the local examination of the breast carried out by the doctor. Self breast examination by the women points to detection of lump. (Breast self examination technique: Stand in front of the mirror and look at the breast. Notice whether there is any swelling or change in size and shape of the breast. Examine the nipple whether there are any color changes in and around the nipple. Any redness or rash is seen any change in shape and location. The same things must be notice by raising the arms. Each of the breasts should be palpated right from the color bone in lying and standing position also. ) Fine needle aspiration, Mammography of the breast, breast ultrasound and MRI scan of the breast are recommended .A biopsy will help to differentiate between the malignant and benign tumor.


Treatment plan depends upon the size of the tumor. Usually small tumors which are asymptomatic do not need any medical intervention and resolve on its own. Medicated pills, nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs or pain relievers can be advised. Surgical intervention is needed in large discomforting tumors.

Other modes of treatment:

Certain other modes of treatment can also be helpful in coping up the symptom. Taking into consideration the symptoms in holistic way, homoeopathy can offer a good aid for the relief of the symptoms. The Ayurvedic system of medicine which uses herbs and synthetic derivates can also be beneficial in combating the complaints.

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