Causes and risk factors
Human papilloma is the virus which causes genital warts. There are different species of HPV however type 6 and type 11 viruses are more responsible for causing genital warts. An Immuncompromised patient is more prone for developing warts. It is a sexually transmitted diseases hence having unprotected sex with multiple partners, sexually intimacy with an individual suffering from genital warts increases the risk factor for developing genital warts.
As the name suggest the common site of affection is the genital areas. Females been more commonly affected complaints are more commonly seen on vulva, vagina, cervix or on rectum. In males the eruptions on scrotum and penis is seen. Usually the complaints develop 6weeks -6months after the infection. Most of the time the growth is small and hence is not visible, however in some cases the patient can complaint of soft moist pink or gray colored growths or bumps. The growth can be single or multiple in number, several warts can fuse with each other often resembling like a cauliflower. Itching, discomfort along with pain or difficulty during sexual intercourse can occur. It can lead to bleeding also.
Usually the symptoms narrated by the patient and examination of the lesion are sufficient to confirm the diagnosis of the warts. An examination of the genital areas is carried out by the doctor. A specialized test for HPV is advised. Pap smear test can be done in females.
In mild cases usually no treatment is required and the complaints resolve on its own overtime, howvere in severe cases medications which can be directly applied on the warts are advised. The first step is application of ointment containing salicylic acid. Cryotherapy (sloughing off the dead skin) is another effective measure which can be adopted. Laser treatment can be used. Cauterization therapy can be adopted which burns the damaged tissue which reduces the other possible harm. Keep the areas dry and clean, avoid of sexual intercourse during active infection, use of protective measures for sexual intercourse are certain measures to be implemented. Above all as the infection flares up in person whose health is compromised hence measure should be adopted to improve the immunity like having healthy food, regular exercises and timely vaccination.
Other Modes of treatment:
Certain other modes of treatment can also be helpful in coping up the disease. Taking into consideration the symptoms in holistic way, homoeopathy can offer a good aid for the relief of the symptoms. The Ayurvedic system of medicine which uses herbs and synthetic derivates can also be beneficial in combating the complaints.
Recent update:
According to a McGill University study published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, Oral human papillomavirus (HPV) infections were more common among men who had female partners with oral and/or genital HPV infection, suggesting that the transmission of HPV occurs via oral-oral and oral-genital routes.
Facts and figures:
Genital warts is one of the common genital disease, around 500,000 to 1 million cases are seen every year.