Causative & risk factors
Giardiasis occurs when contaminated water containing giardia parasites is swallowed by the person. Transmission can also occur through intake of contaminated food but the possibility is rarer since the parasites are destroyed by cooking.
Sometimes giardiasis can occur due to person-to-person contact where fecal matter is involved. A parent getting infected by changing the diapers of an infected infant is a common example. Having unprotected anal intercourse with an infected person can also transmit the infection.
Clinical presentation
Patients usually complain of diarrhea with greasy, foul-smelling stools. Abdominal pain and distention is a frequent finding. Other symptoms include weakness, nausea and belching. The patient may start losing weight.
Some patients may never actually develop the symptoms of giardia infection, but only act as ‘carriers’. These carriers can go on transmitting the disease to others.
The parasites or their cysts can be found in the stool samples of the patient. However a single sample may not yield any result. Usually multiple samples may need to be tested.
Oral anti-parasitic drugs are given to the patient in order to kill the organisms. However these medications are avoided in pregnant women, unless the infection is very severe.