

Hemangioma is a birth mark characterize by abnormal, gradual accumulation or enlargement of blood vessel on skin or internal organs. Hemangiomas are benign tumors occurring in infants. Incidences are commonly seen in females

Causes and risk factors

The exact cause of hemangioma is not known. Research is still going on in this field. It has been put forth that hemangiomas originate from stem cells and are congenital. People with Von hippel-Lindau disease are more prone for developing hemangioma.

Clinical presentation:

Mostly hemangioms are seen when the baby is two weeks old, occasionally it is seen as the baby is born. Head and neck is the common site of affection along with arms and legs. Usually they are seen as a single growth; rarely in some areas are multiple growths seen. The appearance is seen on skin, development of internal organ hemangioma is rare. Among the organs affection is more commonly seen on liver and in gastrointestinal tract. Hemangioms can be superficial or deep. The mother often comes up with complaints of bright red areas on skin; these are red bumped areas sometime typical strawberry like appearance. It has a textured surface. Sometimes a spongy mass protruding from the skin is seen.In deep hemangioms bruised bluish appearance of skin is seen. Usually they resolve on its own however some may pose complications resulting into wound and disfigurement.


Diagnosis is done on the basis of symptoms narrated by the mother. Physical examination carried out by the doctor helps in confirming the diagnosis. Generally no test is needed in cases of hemangioms appearing on skin. To detect the internal involvement of organs an ultrasound or MRI can be advised.


Hemangioms usually do not require any treatment; they grow and shrink over time. Medications like steroids can be administered. It arrests the stimulation of the blood vessels for new growth. In cases where disfigurement affecting cosmetic appearance of the child laser treatment can be adopted. In cases if the hemangioms bleeds proper cleaning of the area must be done under aseptic precaution. The area must be kept moist with the help of petroleum gels.

Other modes of symptoms:

The other modes of treatment can also be effective in treating hemangiomas. Homoeopathy is a science which deals with individualization and considers a person in a holistic way. This science can be helpful in combating the symptoms. The Ayurvedic system of medicine which uses herbs and synthetic derivates can also be beneficial in combating the complaints.

Recent update:

New surgical techniques have been developed at the vascular anomalies centre which will help to reduce the scar formation after surgery in hemangiomas.

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