Causes and risk factors:
The cause of insomnia differs from person to person. Anxiety and stress are the main causes for insomnia. Work stress, new responsibilities and disturbance of interpersonal relation in the changing era is the most common cause of insomnia. People adopted to late work outs, night parties and excess consumption of alcohol are more prone It can be caused due to simple reason like consuming excess of caffeine (Coffee) during the day time or during bed time or due to certain medical condition. Insomnia can also result as an adverse effect of certain medications like anti depressants, thyroid drugs, diuretics. Disturbed or unrefereshing sleep can be secondary to chronic psychiatric disorders, anxiety disorders or post traumatic disorders, certain diseases like Parkinson’s diseases, kidney disorders, cancer, anxiety disorders or post traumatic disorders etc.
Clinical presentations:
A person suffering from insomnia can come up with variety of complaints. Some may complaint of unrefresed feeling or feeling of dullness and drowsiness in the morning inspite of 7-8 hours sleep. A majority complain of lack of adequate sleep, the person is awaken for long time before falling asleep. Person is awakened for a number of times for no reason thus disturbing sleep or causing insomnia. Some people complain of various disturbing thoughts croping up in mind, this continuous thinking process causes lack of sleep. All this causes a dullness and drowsy feeling early in the morning. As a result the person tends to become irritable and becomes addicted to various sleep inducing substances or medications. Daytime sleepiness, fatigue, tiredness are the marked symptoms.
Diagnosis and investigations:
A detail history obtained from the patient and the attended, suffering signs and symptoms along with detailed psychiatric evaluation and physical examination carried out will help in confirming the diagnosis. Certain investigations to detect underlying pathology like blood count; thyroid disorder etc can be advised.
Correction of the underlying causes is the main line of treatment. Sleeping pills are prescribed by the doctor under strict prescription. Dietary and herbal supplements for promoting sleep are readily available at the counter. Adoption of behavioral therapy, relaxation technique, avoidance of smoking, excessive intake of alcohol, caffeine can be helpful. Adopting of habits that will make one sleep like quite dark room, adoption of regular sleep schedule and avoiding shot snaps have found to be effective.
Other modes of treatment:
The other modes of treatment can also be effective in treating acromegaly. Homoeopathy is a science which deals with individualization and considers a person in a holistic way. This science can be helpful in combating the symptoms.
Recent update:
A study published recently in the American Heart Association Journal points out that insomnia can significantly increase the risk of stroke and hospitalization due to stroke.