Lung Cancer

Lung Cancer

Lung is one of the vital respiratory organs of the body situated in the thoracic region. The important function of lung is inhalation of oxygen from atmosphere into bloodstream and to exhale carbon dioxide from bloodstream to atmosphere. Cancerous condition of the lung is called is defined as lung cancer. It is one of the common types of cancer. High incidence is seen over the age of 60.

Causes and risk factors

The exact cause of cancer is not known, but various risk factors or predisposing factors have been put forth. It is found that the cells undergo an uncontrolled and abnormal proliferation which gives rise to formation of tumors. About 85-90% of lung cancer cases are caused due to smoking, however non smoker can also suffer from lung cancer. People with weak immune system are more prone for cancer. Inhalation of carcinogenic substances is the major cause of lung cancer. Exposure to car fumes, gamma radiation and X rays, exposure to asbestos, arsenic and tobacco intake are some of the carcinogenic substances.. Secondary affection of lung i.e. metastasis from cancer present elsewhere in the body can also occur.


Clinical presentation:

Lung cancer is of two type’s non small cell lung cancer and small cell lung cancer. Non small cell lung cancer is the most common type accounting for about 85% cases of lung cancer, while small cell lung cancer accounts for about only 15% of lung cancer. The cancer can start in the lung itself or affection can be due to metastasis. In majority of the cases the patient remains asymptomatic in the initial phases. It takes a long time in cases of lung cancer for a patient to develop the symptoms. Cough is the prominent symptom, the patient complaints of cough which is continuous and intense, it is accompanied by bloody sputum, and cough evokes pain in the chest or shoulder region. The patient suffers from pain in throat, difficulty in swallowing and hoarse voice. On auscultation of the lung a high pitched breathing sound can be heard. Weight loss, fatigue, loss of appetite is the other associated symptoms seen. Other symptoms like headache, alteration of bowel, jaundice etc can also be seen as metatastasis occurs.



Diagnosis is done on the basis of symptoms narrated by the patient and the examination carried out by the doctor. Auscultation of lung, examination of the lymph nodes. Certain investigations like routine blood test; Blood markers for cancer Chest X ray, Bronchoscopy are done. On detection of any abnormalities in the lung biopsy is recommended. Ultrasound scanning of the abdomen and pelvis, CT scans of abdomen, a complete scan (PET scan) of the body along with other investigations can also be recommended for metastasis.



Depending upon the extend and stages of cancer the treatment is planned. Various surgical approaches can be adopted. Depending upon the extent of the cancer. Segmental resection, partial lobectomy is done if tumor is localized and non invasive. Radiation therapy is used. Targeted chemotherapy and immunotherapy agents are administered. The most important preventive measure for lung cancer is the avoid smoking absolutely.


Recent update:

A research team from the Jiangsu Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, China has published a study in the journal of Cancer Prevention Research that people who eat raw garlic twice a week reduce the risk of cancer.

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