

Melioidosis is an infection caused due to bacteria Burkholderia pseudomallei. This infection is also known as Whitmore’s disease.

Causes and risk factors

The infection spreads through inhalation of contaminated air. Coughing and sneezing creates droplets into the air which spreads the infection. It can also spread through direct contact or through contact with the contaminated surfaces. Contaminated soil and surface water are the main sources of infection. The infective agents gains entry into the skin through wound or abrasions. Ingestion of contaminated food is another source of spread of the infection. People suffering from conditions like cancer, diabetes, lung diseases, or immunocompromised people are more prone towards developing this infection. 


Clinical presentation:

A person suffering from melioidosis presents with a variety of complaints. The incubation period is 2-4 weeks. The cardinal symptom seen is fever with chills, cough, sore throat, coryza, and sneezing. If the bacteria enters the body through skin, it can lead to localized pain and swelling. Itching and eruptions are seen. Gradually, ulceration and abscess formation can be seen. The other common complaints with which the patient can come up are headache, nausea, vomiting, body ache, fatigue, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. Affection of muscles and joints can also be seen. Muscle tenderness and joint pain occurs. It can lead to complications like pneumonia, disorientation, and seizures.

Among all the complications, pneumonia is more commonly seen.



The diagnosis is confirmed on the basis of the symptoms narrated by the patient and physical examination carried out by the doctor. Certain set of investigations can also be advised which will aid in the confirmation of the disease.

Swabs from patient’s nose or throat or sputum are tested. The other tests include complete blood count and urine routine. Stool test, chest x-ray, and USG can also be done.



Rest is an important part of treatment. Diet should consist of adequate liquids like milk, fruit juices, and hot drinks. Oral hygiene and electrolyte balance should be maintained. Antibiotic medications are started. Depending upon the symptom severity, hospitalization and intravenous fluid administration is initiated. Personal and environmental hygiene and proper skin care should be implemented. Avoidance of crowded areas at times of active infection will help to prevent its spread.


Other Modes of treatment:

Certain other modes of treatment can also be helpful in coping up with the disease. Taking into consideration the symptoms in a holistic way, homoeopathy can offer a good aid for the relief of the symptoms.

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