

Microphthalmos is a congenital developmental disorder characterized by presence of abnormally small eye. The condition can be either unilateral (one eye affected) or bilateral (both eyes affected).

Causes and risk factors

Microphthalmos can be caused by chromosomal abnormalities like trisomy 13, triploid syndrome. Infection of the pregnant mother with herpes simplex virus, rubella, cytomegalovirus, or toxoplasmosis can cause the disease.  Excessive alcohol consumption by mother during pregnancy can lead to the condition.

Clinical presentation

There is presence of small eye. There may be pain in the eye due to overstraining. Patient presents with symptoms like visual disturbances. Strabismus can occur. Frequent watering of eyes may occur.


Medical history by the patient and clinical examination by the ophthalmologist helps in diagnosis. Imaging tests like ultrasonography, CT scan, and MRI scans are used to study the size of eye ball and confirm the diagnosis.


Treatment involves surgery, both for corrective and cosmetic purposes. To stimulate the growth of socket, prostheses are used. A patch is put over the healthy eye to stimulate the vision in the affected eye.


Complications associated with vision occur. Blindness can occur permanently.

When to Contact a Doctor  

One must consult a doctor if either one or both eyes of the child are not developing properly.

Facts and figures

Prevalence of the condition is 1 to 1.5 per 10,000 births.

Systems involved

Central nervous system, ophthalmology.

Organs involved

Eyes, brain

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