

Miscarriage is defined as loss of pregnancy due to some underlying causes before 20 weeks of gestation. Miscarriages are more commonly seen in older women as compared to the young.

Causes and risk factors

The exact cause of miscarriages is still not clear. Miscarriages can occur without any traceable causes too. Pregnancy at an older age (>35years) increases the chances of miscarriages. However certain predisposing factors have been put forth. The most common cause of miscarriages during the first trimester is the chromosomal abnormality with increase age. It also commonly occurs in women who drink and smoke. Malnutrition, excessive caffeine, exposure to radiation during gestation also contributes to the causation .If the mother suffers from certain medical conditions, it increases the chances of miscarriages. Some of the common medical conditions are thyroid diseases, infection (among all the infections torch is the most common one) uterine fibroid, and diabetes with high sugar levels. Women with a previous history of miscarriages also possess some risk for second miscarriages. Medications, Hormonal problems, uterine abnormalities can also lead to miscarriages.


Clinical presentation:

The warning signs and symptoms of miscarriages are pain in back region. The pain can be mild or severe one. It is cramping type of pain. The women can experience severe cramps. The pain is accompanied with bleeding and weakness. The bleeding can be slight or profuse. Other than the blood even fluid containing blood or tissue can also pass through vagina. There are different types of miscarriages- Threatened or Inevitable, Missed, Complete and incomplete. In complete miscarriage the entire products of conception are emptied out of the uterus and the pain subsides quicky. In incomplete form the cervix is dilated abdomen and back pain along with bleeding occurs. In some womens the miscarriage occurs without the women knowing about it. It is detected with loss of fetal heart sounds and detaining of the signs of pregnancy. Such type of miscarriages is called missed miscarriage. Whereas in threatened miscarriage the cervix is close but the women has complaints of lower back and abdominal pain along with bleeding.



Diagnosis is done of the basis of the symptoms narrated by the patient. Per vaginal examination is carried out by the gynecologist. Certain investigations are also advised. Abdominal or transvaginal ultrasonography is the diagnostic investigation. Routine blood test along with specialized blood test for hormones, blood sugar levels, thyroid levels etc can also be advised.



In cases of any underlying cause it needs to be corrected with the help of medications. Dilatation and check curettage is done. Miscarriage can lead to emotional upsets in women. Support and care by family and friends will help the patient to cope up with the complaints. Counseling plays a major role in this. Regular prenatal care along with routine investigations and checkup needs to be done. Smoking and alcohol should be avoided during pregnancy. In cases of previous history of miscarriage appropriate preventive measure and avoidance of triggering factors needs to be implemented.


Other modes of treatment:

Certain other modes of treatment can also be helpful in coping up the symptoms. Taking into consideration the symptoms in holistic way, homoeopathy can offer a good aid for the relief of the symptoms. The Ayurvedic system of medicine which uses herbs and synthetic derivates can also be beneficial in combating the complaints.

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