Causes and risk factors
Like any other type of acne, the exact cause is still not known. However, studies have shown that this condition is caused due to certain hormonal changes. There occurs affection of the oil glands in the skin. They become hypersensitive and secrete large amounts of sebum. As a result, the gland itself becomes enlarged and hardened up. Over time this gland bursts up under the skin and results in formation of a nodule or cyst. As the hormonal changes play a role in this, it has been seen that these acne are more commonly seen during puberty, pregnancy, or postmenopausal period. Cystic acne is one of the common presentations seen in polycystic ovarian syndrome.
Clinical presentation:
The most common site of affection is face, back, and chest. Shoulders and arms are other common sites of affection. Appearance of nodules is the characteristic feature seen. They are multiple in numbers, either inflamed or non-inflamed nodules erupt. Small cyst formation can also occur. The patient comes up with complaints of small, red, raised bumps which extend deep into the skin. Soreness and swelling in the affected area is seen. The eruptions are painful and tender to touch. Slight itching can also occur.
Diagnosis is done on the basis of the symptoms narrated by the patient and the physical examination carried out by the dermatologist. Usually no specific investigations are required for diagnosing the condition. However, routine blood test, blood cultures, or testing of the discharges along with histological examinations can be done.
Cystic acne are troublesome acne to treat, hence a combination of medicines is advised. Topical applications do not provide an effective result hence oral medications are advised. It comprises of antibiotics and systemic steroids. Hormonal therapy can be started in females.
These lesions can lead to scar formation.
When to contact a doctor:
Recommendation of an expert in the field of dermatology is advised in cases where the patient suffers from complainants of skin eruptions along with itching and ulcer formation.
System involved: Integumentary system