Placenta Accreta

Placenta Accreta

Placenta is an organ that is attached to the lining of the uterine wall during pregnancy. It allows the exchange of gas and nutrients and helps in elimination of waste. Placenta accrete is defined as direct anchoring of the placenta to the myometrium partially or completely.

Causes and risk factors

The exact cause of placenta accrete is not known. However this condition is mostly associated with placenta praevia.A women with previous history of placenta accreta is at high risk for developing placenta accreta. Certain risk factor like pregnancy at an elderly age i.e. above35years of age, multiple pregnancies, any previous history of surgery on uterus, fibroids or endometrial lesions also contribute to the causation.


Clinical presentation:

Usually the placenta is delivered within 15 min after the delivery of baby, however in case of placenta accreta the delivery of the placenta is delayed. Manual evacuation of the placenta causes profuse vaginal bleeding. It can lead to hemorrghages.This abnormal placement of the placenta increases the risk of premature delivery of the baby.



For diagnosis certain investigations like ultrasonography either transvaginal or Trans abdominal is done. MRI or Doppler flow can also be advised.



In case of placenta accreta, ceaserian section is done and the baby is delivered. This is followed by hysterectomy. It reduces the chances of hemorrhages thus reducing the possible life threat.


Recent update:

In an article published at science daily, the researchers have found a new interventional radiology procedure which preserves uterus in patients with placenta accreta.

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