Riehl’s Melanosis

Riehl’s Melanosis

This disease was first described in 1917 during First World War I. Riehl’s melanosis is a skin disorder characterized by hyper pigmentation patches on the forehead, zygomatic area, and on the temporal area.

Causes and risk factors

The exact cause is still not clear, however, studies have put forth certain theories. Nutritional alteration is one of the major contributing factors. It can cause due to frequent and prolonged contact with allergic substances. Cosmetics (perfumes, hair dyes, kumkum, oils, etc.), and textile materials (dyes, mercury components, dye, rubber components, etc.) more commonly cause Riehl’s melanosis. Riehl’s syndrome is commonly associated with Sjogren’s syndrome. Recent studies have shown that various pigment genetic interaction also leads to this condition.


Clinical presentation:

Complaints are more commonly seen in dark complexioned people. They are usually mild. It is characterized by appearance of dark patchy discoloration areas. They are either dark brown or grayish brown patches. These areas are prominently seen on forehead, zygomatic area, and in the temporal region of the face. Small, reddish, raised bumps or eruptions can also occur.  Itching is also complained. Along with this, edema can occurs. The pigmentation is more promptly seen in sun sun-exposed areas.



The symptoms narrated by the patient and the examination carried out by the dermatologist helps in confirming the condition. Patch test or proactive use test or repeated open application test is diagnostic for in detecting the sensitizing substance. In some cases, skin biopsy can also be done. Along with this, routine blood test and allergen test can be done for ruling out other causes. 



Avoiding the triggering factors is the essential step to be adopted. Allergic Allergy free products use is recommended. Medications like anti histamines are advised. Topical creams care prescribed for reducing the hyper pigmentation.


Other Modes of treatment:

Certain other modes of treatment can also be helpful in coping up with the symptoms. Taking into consideration the symptoms in a holistic way, homoeopathy can offer a good aid for the relief of the symptoms.

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