Causes and risk factors:
Shingles are caused by varicella zoster virus. It is the same virus causing chicken pox also. It affects the nerves and remains dormant for many years in body to erupt as shingles or herpes zoster. The incubation period is from 2days to 3 weeks. Newborn babies, pregnant women and people with low immunity are at high risk of developing shingles. The infection is transmitted due to direct contact with the open sores of shingle rash. It is more common in adults as compared to children. One time attack of herpes zoster provides lifetime immunity.
Clinical presentations:
Herpes zoster or shingles has acute onset marked by intense pain, burning along the nerve pathway affected. It is specially seen on trunk, neck region etc. Followed by appearance of a characteristic rash which is red in color and it is filled with discharges (Blisters). The rash is painful, the patient complaints of burning sensation and itching. The rash is more commonly seen on trunk but it can also appear on face and other parts of the body. The rash appears in typical belt or strip like pattern. As any other infection shingles also presents with complaints of fever, headache, body ache and weakness. Tingling, numbness or pricking like pain is experienced by the patient. The pain can persist for 1 to 6 months. Appearance of rash near the eyes can cause severe infection of the eyes and can even lead to loss of vision. Affection of nerves can cause neurological problems like encephalitis or facial paralysis.
Diagnosis and investigations:
Diagnosis is done on the basis of symptoms narrated by the patient and the examination carried out by the doctor. Certain investigations which are recommended are complete blood count and the scrapings or discharges for viral culture or polymerase chain reaction is done.
There is no cure for shingles but for symptomatic relief Analgesics, antiviral or corticosteroid drugs are prescribed. The varicella (Chickenpox) and varicella zoster (Shingles) virus vaccines help to prevent the infection.
Other modes of treatment:
The other modes of treatment can also be effective in treating herpes infection. Homoeopathy is a science which deals with individualization and considers a person in a holistic way. This science can be helpful in combating the symptoms. The Ayurvedic system of medicine which uses herbs and synthetic derivates can also be beneficial in combating the complaints.
Recent update:
As per the study carried out by the researchers in South California, it was revealed that those patients who were previously vaccinated with zoster vaccine were 42 percent less likely to develop shingles following chemotherapy
An attack of shingles at early age could increase the risk of having a stroke or heart attack years later