Causes and risk factors
The infection is caused due to the parasite Trypanosoma. It harbors in the body of the tsetse fly. This tsetse fly in found only in Africa. An infected fly when bites a human being, the infection are transmitted to the human being. Although rare the infection can be transmitted from mother to the fetus during pregnancy. Accidental transmission can occur in laboratories due to prick of an infected needle. Travelling to the areas where the infection is highly prevalent adds up to the causation.
Clinical presentation:
The symptoms usually occur 1-2 weeks after the bite of the infected tsetse fly. Development of a sore at the site of bite (chancre) is a cardinal feature of this infection. Some tend to develop a typical rash all over the body. Fever with chills, cough, sore throat, Coryza sneezing is seen.The other common complaints with which the patient can come up are headache, nausea, vomiting, body ache and fatigue. These are the symptoms seen in the first stage where the parasite multiply in the subcutaneous tissue and spread to the blood and lymphatic’s (First stage).Slowly changes in the speech, personality, irritability, confusion along with increase drowsiness occurs. In second stage the infection passes the blood brain barriers worsening the complaints or can even cause death. In both the types – the above complaints are seen. However in West Trypanosomiasis the bite is mostly painful, sleeping for long time not only at night but also during day time is seen. Weight loss and winter bottoms sign (swelling of lymph nodes at the back of the neck) is charactertically seen.
The diagnosis is confirmed on the basis of the symptoms narrated by the patients and certain physical examination is carried by the doctor. Certain sets of investigations can also be advised which will aid in the confirmation of the disease. Skin biopsies, spinal fluid examination, routine blood test along with culture examination will help in confirming the diagnosis.
Rest is important part of treatment. Diet should consist of adequate liquids like milk, fruit juices and hot drinks .Oral hygiene and electrolyte balance should be maintained. Lower toxicity medications are started in initial stage. Depending upon the symptoms severity hospitalization and intravenous fluid administration is initiated in second stage. Medications which can cross the blood brain barriers and curb the infection are started.
Other Modes of treatment:
Certain other modes of treatment can also be helpful in coping up the disease. Taking into consideration the symptoms in holistic way, homoeopathy can offer a good aid for the relief of the symptoms.
Facts and Figures:
Worldwide, approximately 25,000 new cases of both East and West African trypanosomiasis are reported to the World Health Organization each year.