Sun Allergy

Sun Allergy

Skin condition resulting into a skin rash after exposure to sun is called as sun allergy. It is a form of radiation burns caused due to exposure to ultraviolet rays from sun or other means. It is characterized by reddish appearance of the skin along with itching and extreme sensitivity. It is a kind of photosensitive reaction.

Causes and risk factors

The gradual depletion of the atmospheric ozone layer is an important environmental factor which contributes to sunburn. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation in form of sunlight or artificial lights causes sunburn. The reaction can occur suddenly or over a period of time .When the first symptom appears the damage has been already done to the skin. The melanin a protective color pigment of the skin is unable to absorb the excess of ultraviolet rays thus causing the complaints. However not everyone exposed to ultraviolet radiation suffer from these complaints. Use of certain medications and chemicals also contribute to the causation.


Clinical presentation:

The symptoms can vary from mild to severe manifestations. Usually the lesions are seen in areas which are exposed to the radiation. Redness of the skin (Erythema) is the hallmark of sun allergy. Reddish rash with itching occurs. It is most commonly seen on neck, arms, dorsum of hand etc. It is known as polymorphic light eruption.  The skin becomes extremely sensitive to touch. Slightest touch of clothes can be painful. The people can complaint of burning sensation and watering of eyes. Itching and peeling of the skin can be associated symptoms.  In severe cases small eruptions of skin which are filled with pus are seen (Blisters), fever, chills, and fatigue can be seen. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation can increase the risk of skin cancers.



Sun allergy can be confirmed by the patient himself. The symptoms narrated by the patient and local examination carried out by the dermatologist can confirm it. Certain tests can also be carried out. It comprises of ultraviolet light testing or photo patch testing. Skin biopsies are done in severe cases to rule out skin cancer.



In mild cases no medical intervention is needed. Avoidance of sun will be enough to resolve the complaints. Medications to control the itching and to relief the pain or burning sensation are prescribed. Corticosteroid creams or oral medications are prescribed. Phototherapy is another choice of treatment. Prevention also plays an important role. Use of sunglasses, wearing protective clothes, hats and use of sunscreen lotions with SPF 15 or more are advisable.


Other modes of treatment:

Certain other modes of treatment can also be helpful in coping up the symptom. Taking into consideration the symptoms in holistic way, homoeopathy can offer a good aid for the relief of the symptoms. The Ayurvedic system of medicine which uses herbs and synthetic derivates can also be beneficial in combating the complaints.

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