Causes and risk factors:
One of the major causes for the UTI is invasion of the renal system by bacteria, viruses or fungi. Among the several infective agents the E-coli bacteria is the major cause of infection. Avoiding emptying of bladder for a long time, sexual intercourse, use of certain protective measures like diaphragm or spermicides for prevention of conception is another most common reason for renal system infection specially the lower urinary tract infection. Sexual transmitted diseases like gonorrhea is the most common cause of UTI. Frequent use of urinary catheterization in conditions like spinal cord injury can also lead to UTI. Certain pathological conditions like diabetes, kidney stone and prostate enlargement predispose urinary tract infection. Menopause also contributes to the same.
Clinical presentations:
Urinary tract infection is of two types- Upper urinary tract infection (pyelonephritis) and Lower urinary tract infection ( uretheritis). Any person suffering from lower urinary infection will show the following symptoms burning during micturation, Passage of small quantity of urine, difficulty while passing urine, frequent urge to pass urine, fever along with pain in lower abdominal region or pelvic region. The urine contains of small quantities of blood. The person suffering from upper urinary tract infection will show the following symptoms like vomiting, nausea, and fever with chills along with pain in right or left lumbar region. Complications due to urinary tract infection are unusual however inadequate treatment or recurrent occurrence of infection especially pyelonephritis can cause perpetual kidney damage. Men suffering from recurrent urinary infection have increase risk of developing prostatic inflammation. Urinary tract infection during gestation needs to be treated on time as it can endanger the pregnancy.
Diagnosis and investigations:
Apart from the symptoms narrated by the patient and the proper history the doctor can ask you to undergo certain investigations. Urine analysis and urine culture are diagnostic. A complete blood count along with x ray (KUB) and ultrasonography of the abdomen and pelvis can be advised. If required the following test can also be done like Cystoscopy, Intravenous pyelogram and CT scan.
The most effective medicine for urinary tract infection which your doctor can suggest is antibiotics. Antibiotics can be administered either in oral form or through intravenous route. The uncomplicated cases or those caused due to primary causes like infection, catheterization, and menopause can be very well handled with medication and surgery is not needed in such cases. Drinking adequate quantity of water, timely voiding the urine, adopting hygienic measures during sexual intercourse, maintain proper personal hygiene like using clean under clothes and proper cleaning of the excretory outlets, adoption of a healthy lifestyle which constitute of good exercise and a balance diet is an essential measure to be implemented.
Other Modes of treatment
The other modes of treatment can also be effective in treating the infection. Homoeopathy is a science which deals with individualization considers a person in a holistic way. This science can be helpful in combating the symptoms. Similarly the ayurvedic system of medicine which uses herbal medicines and synthetic derivates are also found to be effective in treating the complaints.
Recent update:
As per an article published in medindia, a recent study carried out showed that use of probiotics as compared to antibiotics are superior in treating urinary tract infection.