Vaginal Yeast Infection

Vaginal Yeast Infection

Infection of the vagina caused due to overgrowth of yeast(fungus) which is characterized by pain, soreness and itching is called as vaginal yeast infection. It is also called as candidiasis. The yeast which causes this infection is called as candida albicans.

Causes and risk factors

As the names suggest the infection is caused due to yeast infection. The yeast is a type of fungus called as candida albicans. Yeast is mostly found in the moist parts of the body e.g.: mouth and vagina.Physioloigically some amount of yeast is always found in the vagina. Over growth of this results in infection. Yeast infection can be caused due to side effects of antibiotics. Certain other medications like birth control pills and steroid medications can also lead to this infection. Stress, pregnancy and certain illness like those hampering the immune system (HIV, tuberculosis) triggers the infection. High levels of sugar in blood in women add up to the causation. Some women suffer from yeast infection prior to menstruation; the hormonal changes that take place during this period are suppose to trigger the infection. Use of tight inner wares or inner wares made up of nylon trap up heat and moisture which cats as favorable for the yeast to grow. Use of substances like perfumes, scents or creams or douching can cause irritation and lead to development of infection.


Clinical presentation:

The symptoms can be mild to severe form. Itching and burning in and around the vagina is the cardinal symptoms of candidiasis infection. The women complaint of pain or burning during micturation.Dyspareunia (painful coitus) is the other symptoms with which the patients comes up. On examination swelling and redness of the labia majora and labia minor is seen. Involvement of vulva leads to vulvovaginitis. Offensive discharges which are cheeses like are also seen.



Diagnosis is done of the basis of the symptoms narrated by the patient and the physical examination of the vagina carried out by the gynecologist. In order to confirm the diagnosis certain investigations can be advised. Testing of the vaginal discharges or cultures is diagnostic. Routine blood test, urine routine can be advised if required Ultrasonography of the abdomen and pelvis are other investigations suggested.



Antifungal creams, ointments or suppository are effective. Oral anti fungal medication can also be advised. Maintaining of good vaginal hygiene is necessary. During active infection unprotected sexual activity should be avoided. Use of mild soaps for cleaning the vaginal area and proper drying should be done. The area must be clean from front to back. Moist inner wares should be changes after exercises or swimming. Use of irritating agents, acidophilus agents and douching at vaginal region must be avoided.


Other Modes of treatment:

Certain other modes of treatment can also be helpful in coping up the disease. Taking into consideration the symptoms in holistic way, homoeopathy can offer a good aid for the relief of the symptoms. The Ayurvedic system of medicine which uses herbs and synthetic derivates can also be beneficial in combating the complaints.


Facts and Figures:

About 75% of women suffer from yeast infection at least once during their life.

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