Flush out the stones

Flush out the stones

Flush out the stones

Kidney stones are seen in about 10% of the population, mostly in the age group of 30 to 40. The stones are formed when there are high levels of calcium, sodium, uric acid, or other crystal forming substances that are not eliminated from the body.

Kidney stones may be very small and get passed out of the body through urine. Some may be large enough to block some part of the urinary tract. The most painful ones, though, are the ones that are dislodged from their position and are on their way down. Their journey can cause extreme pain, a pain that the only ones who have experienced, can relate to!

Here we give you simple things you can take up to flush out those stones and stay pain-free.

  1. Water
    This may seem like a no brainer, but water is the most effective way to keep kidney stones from forming. The more water you drink, the better the wastes will get flushed out. If you are prone to suffer from kidney stones, remind yourself to drink lots of water. Remember, the golden rule – if your urine is dark in color, you need to drink more water. Pale yellow is the right color of urine.
  2. Apple Cider Vinegar
    Apple cider vinegar is extremely useful for dealing with kidney stones. Consuming it in the morning will not only break and flush out the existing stones, but also prevent further recurrences. Take a teaspoonful of apple cider vinegar thrice a day to keep kidney stones at bay.
  3. Pomegranate
    The pomegranate fruit has a lot of health benefits. For dealing with kidney stones, eat the fresh fruit daily or drink the freshly extracted juice.
  4. Grapes
    Grapes have a lot of water and potassium content in them. This makes them a great diuretic. Eat grapes or drink fresh grape juice regularly to keep your kidneys clean.
  5. Vitamin B6
    Pyridoxine, as vitamin B6, is known as a very effective remedy for kidney stones. A healthy dose of 100 to 150 mg is recommended to flush out the stones.
  6. Kidney Beans Kidney beans are not only kidney shaped, but also highly useful for good kidney health. Boil kidney beans in water and consume that water through the day.
    This concoction will help the stones to pass out smoothly from the system.
  7. Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
    Lemon juice with olive oil is traditionally used to treat gall bladder stones, but it is equally effective against kidney stones too. The high citric acid content in the lemon juice helps break the calcium stones and prevents its recurrence.
  8. Nettle Leaf
    Nettle leaf has a three way action on your kidneys. Firstly, they help the fluids to pass freely through the kidneys and urethra. Secondly, they act as a natural diuretic, and lastly, they prevent stone formation by preventing any salt build up.
  9. Watermelon
    Watermelon is the best remedy for calcium and magnesium stones. The high potassium content in watermelon is very essential for proper kidney functioning. The juice also acts as a good diuretic.
  10. Wheatgrass
    Wheatgrass juice is highly effective against kidney stones. Consume a teaspoon of wheatgrass juice mixed with a little basil juice and lemon juice thrice a day.

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