Getting a tummy tuck, the laser way

Getting a tummy tuck, the laser way

Getting a tummy tuck, the laser way

Everyone wants to look fit and have a tight tummy. Having babies, growing older leads to weight gain and our sedentary lifestyle also often contributes to a loose flabby tummy. New laser liposuction technology has made it possible to have a laser body sculpting procedure which can tighten and cut the abdomen to a firm looking tummy.

It is possible to get a flat tight tummy with the new laser liposuction technology. The traditional tummy tuck surgery can create a beautiful tummy but leaves a large scar on the lower abdomen. New laser liposuction technology melts the belly fat and tightens stomach skin with a tiny laser fibre inserted beneath the skin. This technology is called the laser body sculpting and when used in the abdomen the procedure is laser tummy tuck.

The new laser system uses a 925 nm and combination 925/975 nm laser wavelengths passed through a small fibre into the fat beneath the tummy skin.The result is more effective fat removal and skin tightening.

Advantages of the laser tummy tuck over a surgical tummy tuck:

  1. No large surgical scars
  2. Smoother skin
  3. Less traumatic
  4. Quicker results

Advantages of laser tummy tuck over plain liposuction of the abdomen:

Traditional liposuction is used to remove fat from the abdomen and is very effective at fat removal. But the problems associated with liposuction done without the laser are mainly loose skin and contour irregularities and dimpling of the skin.

The benefits of the laser liposuction method in my practice are:

  1. Tighter skin
  2. Smoother skin
  3. Less tissue trauma
  4. Gentler procedure

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