Dr. Mahek Makhija

Dr. Mahek Makhija


Mahek Makhija is a Consulting Medical Nutritionist practicing in this field since more than two decades. She has completed my BHsc & PG Diploma in Dietetics & Clinical Nutrition at Nirmala Niketan college, Mumbai.

Dr Makhija has worked at Breach Candy Hospital, Mumbai, Asha Parekh Hospital, Mumbai, imparted Nutrition counselling to employees of various MNC’s as well. She also held lectures on Nutrition in many schools and colleges.

Currently engaged in   private consultation and is associated with an NGO for nutritional assessment & advice for orphan children. A consulting Nutritionist for SRCC rehabilitation centre. She also consults at Sethia Medical Centre by Lions Club and Cure nursing home.

Helping people make health conscious decisions about the food they eat is her goal, her work experience includes assessing and then planning, developing and directing nutritional care activities for individuals.

Interacting with people and determining their nutritional status and needs is what she is passionate about. Her aim is to encourage people to adopt healthy eating habits so that they are always at the peak of their mental and physical ability.


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