Sternum – body and xiphoid process, costal cartilages adjacent to the lower portion of the sternum.
2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th ribs and costal cartilages
Blood supply
Intercostal arteries.
Nerve supply
Intercostal nerves.
It causes depression of the ribs. It is also used in respiration.
The muscles can become strained due to rapid twisting of the body and in sports such as basketball, tennis, swimming, and gymnastics. The pain is aggravated by deep breathing, side-bending, and twisting.
Muscle Exercise
Parighasana yoga stretch, back bend, and performance breathing can help in increasing the strength of the transversus thoracis muscles.
Interesting facts
Sharp, stabbing pains while breathing may indicate transversus thoracis muscle strain.