Bronchi are the passages of the airway in the respiratory tract that supplies air to the lungs. The respiratory system starts from the nose from where the air is inhaled then the air travels through the nose and enters the trachea (the wind pipe). The trachea splits into two parts at the level of sternal angle, one of which enters the right lung and the other enters the left lung.. These tubes in which trachea split into are known as bronchi and the single tube is known as bronchus. The bronchus branches into smaller tubes, which in turn becomes bronchioles.


One of the primary functions of the bronchi is to allow air to pass through it. The cilia and mucus present in the bronchi prevents pathogens entering into the lungs.


Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchi. There are two main types acute and chronic. Acute bronchitis is usually caused by viral or bacterial infections. Chronic bronchitis is a form of COPD means chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Asthma is hyperactivity of the bronchi with an inflammation often in response to allergens.

Bronchial fistula it is an abnormal connection between the bronchus and another part of the body.

Bronchial spasm means spasmodic contractions of the smooth muscles of the bronchi.

Interesting Facts:

Smoking is the main cause of bronchitis (the inflammation of bronchi). The more you smoke more you suffer from cough, sore throat, mucous and discomfort in chest.

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