The diaphragm is a sheet of internal skeletal muscle. It is a dome shaped and consists of peripheral muscular part and central tendinous part. It is located at the bottom of the rib cage. The diaphragm separates the thoracic cavity the ribs, lungs and heart from the abdominal cavity.


Diaphragm is a primary muscle of respiration. When the diaphragm contracts the thoracic cavity increases and air enters the lungs, this process is called as inspiration. When the diaphragm relaxes the air moves out of the lungs, this process is called as exhalation.  It also helps in urination, defecation and delivery, with the help of contracted diaphragm abdominal muscles can raise the intra abdominal pressure to evacuate the contents.  It also helps in lifting heavy weights.


The diaphragm may be incompletely formed leading to herniation (protrusionof abdominal organs through it). In adults there may be bilateral diaphragmatic paralysis, diaphragmatic fatigue, and neurological problems of diaphragm. This hampers the normal respiration.

Interesting Facts:

For deep breathing if you want a stronger and coordinated diaphragm, start humming, toning, chanting and singing daily. Do some yoga and exercise that keeps you flexible and give deep relaxation.

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