Did you hear something? Can you hear your loved music? Sounds are everywhere and you have two cool parts on your body that let you hear them all; your ears. We have pair of ears placed somewhat symmetrically on opposite sides of the head. Complete ear consist of outer ear, middle ear and inner ear, these parts all work together so you can hear and process sounds. Outer ear consists of pinna or auricle. Middle ear consist of eardrum which posses three delicate bones, malleus, incus, stapes, these bones help sound move along on its journey into the inner ear which contains cochlea which is a small tube filled with liquid.


All you can hear is because of your ears and brain. Your ears collect sound, process them, and send sound signals to your brain. Ears also help you to keep your balance and body position.


Earwax is the most common condition faced by almost everyone. Otitis externa is also common condition of ear.  This is also known as swimmer’s ear, this is not as a result of wet ear which you may get by remaining water in the ear. This is because of lot of swimming which leads to form wet ear and so bacteria grow and ear becomes red and swollen.  Perforated eardrum is also one of the disease conditions. Lumpy, bumpy ear is known as cauliflower ear, this is because of hit or repeated heats on the ear.

Interesting Facts:

The smallest bone in the human body is stapes which is situated in the middle ear. Piercing earlobes and ornamenting them with jewellery has been common practise for cultural and cosmetic reasons.

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