It has an important role in male reproductive system. One of the important functions is to produce liquid, called seminal fluid, which accompanies sperm when it travels outside the body during ejaculation. The majority of this fluid is produced in the seminal vesicles. The thick secretion from seminal vesicles contains protein, enzymes, fructose, mucus, vitamin c, flavins, phophorylcholin and prostaglandin.
There are various conditions which affect seminal vesicles are abscess of seminal vesicles, adenocarcinoma of the seminal vesicles, seminal vesicle agenesis, hydatid cyst of seminal vesicle, seminal vesicle stone, seminal vesicle cyst, and spermatocystitis. These are not so common conditions.
Interesting Facts:
The seminal vesicle produces a substance that makes the semen sticky or jelly like which helps to semen to stay near the womb of woman.